(image obtained from Wikipedia)
Dead Man Walking is a 1995 film directed by Tim Robbins, based on the non-fiction book of the same name by Sister Helen Prejean. The movie stars Susan Sarandon as Sister Helen Prejean and Sean Penn as Matthew Poncelet. The story revolves around Sister Helen, a nun who becomes a spiritual advisor to a death row inmate, Matthew Poncelet, who has been convicted of rape and murder.
Check out this scene from the movie.
Susan Sarandon’s portrayal of Sister Helen in this movie was powerful and it’s no wonder the film received critical acclaim. After watching the movie, I remember thinking about the struggle Sister Helen endured as she got to know Matthew, and subsequently became conflicted about the death penalty. She wrestled with the morality of capital punishment. That prompted me to do some research on the laws concerning the death penalty in the United States, and I happened to stumble on a very interesting article written by Sean-Paul Kelley. This is an excerpt from the article:
Whenever people ask me about the death penalty I always reply: when you make it to the Pearly Gates, and Saint Peter asks, "justice or mercy?" Which will you choose? Usually they sputter or blurt something out like, "the death penalty doesn't have anything to do with that." I reply, "the death penalty has everything to do with that. You just can't see it." Then they say, "what if it happened to someone you know." And I reply, "In 1996 one of my best friends, Michael LaHood was murdered. And I don't want his killer to die. I want his killer to repent. And then spend the rest of his life in prison helping other prisoners with less onerous sentences to see the light." That's when they say, "you're a softy, wishy-washy feel-good, self-helping liberal wimp." By that time it’s too late to ask them, "what requires more courage: revenge or forgiveness?" I prefer mercy, wimp or not.
The death penalty is one of those controversial topics that is always sure to spurn some interesting and often heated debates, and to be completely honest, I’m not sure which side of the argument I support. It’s not a cop-out! I have argued that there shouldn’t be a death penalty. However, when I think of the Jeffery Dahmers and Adolph Hitlers of this world and some of the heinous crimes committed against human life, I do find myself wearing the death penalty advocate hat. But in such instances, I often wonder if my advocacy is based on the pursuit of justice or is it motivated by revenge? When society declares that justice has prevailed, does that mean that ‘right’ has prevailed? Do I question myself too much?
In looking at human civilization in the context of God being sovereign over all of creation, I have often gotten caught up in trying to figure out why God shows mercy to some and justice to others. How do I reconcile God’s justice with His mercy? Even some of my mentors in the faith have expressed that grappling with the tension between God’s justice and mercy can be a deeply personal and complex matter, shaping their understanding of sin, redemption, and the nature of divine love. While God’s justice upholds moral order and accountability, God’s mercy offers hope and reconciliation to those who have fallen short. But I have come to appreciate the understanding that the true beauty lies in the fact that God shows mercy to anyone at all! No one is innocent before God, and He is under no obligation to show mercy to anyone, but He did! I am the recipient of the greatest act of mercy in the form of Jesus, but very often I fail to reciprocate that principle to someone else because I want justice.
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23
The verses above give us an image of the justice versus mercy scale. On one hand, the justice of God’s order dictates that generally speaking, we are to be ‘consumed‘ because we went against God’s moral and ethical framework. In light of God’s holiness, His justice operates to maintain the order and righteousness of His creation. In essence, God’s justice is the manifestation of His holiness in action, ensuring that His perfect standards are met and maintained. As a result of Adam’s disobedience, everyone is going to die one day. God said it…you disobey, then you die – that’s His justice at work, and nothing can overturn the penalty of physical death. Not only that, but as long as we live on this earth, we will continue to experience the consequences of disobedience in the form of grief, suffering and tragedy. Such are our wages.
God in his infinite mercy has devised a way by which justice can be satisfied, and yet mercy can be triumphant. Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father, took upon himself the form of man, and offered unto Divine Justice that which was accepted as an equivalent for the punishment due to all his people.
Sin would have resulted in an eternal death, had it not been for God’s mercy demonstrated via the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, which by the way, is the ultimate reconciliation of justice and mercy. Jesus, as the Son of God, willingly takes on the punishment for humanity’s sins, satisfying the demands of justice, while also demonstrating God’s mercy by offering salvation to all who believe in Him. Though we will still die physically, through Jesus we have access to eternal life. Added to that, despite the trials and challenges we face, God’s love and compassion endure without fail. The phrase “not consumed” suggests that even in times of suffering or adversity, God’s presence and care provide protection and sustenance, and emphasizes the continual renewal of God’s mercy and compassion. Each day brings fresh opportunities to experience God’s faithfulness. The imagery of the morning conveys the idea of a new beginning, symbolizing the hope and assurance that God’s mercies are constantly available, no matter what has transpired in the past.
You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. St. Matthew 5:38-39
Justice or mercy is still an issue for me. I struggle to reconcile the two. We as humans have double standards. We demand justice when we feel victimized but expect mercy for ourselves. Those of us who call ourselves Christians, whose hope of eternal life is based on God’s mercy and forgiveness, quite often fail to extend the same to others. We are the ones that should remember that justice demanded that we should die. I do believe that justice has its proper place. One will indeed reap what is sown and there are consequences for our respective actions. Even in God’s order, justice exists. But God’s mercy to us is infinite and His forgiveness is always available. Similarly, we ought to reciprocate to our husbands, our wives, our children, and our fellow workers in the community of God. We do have a responsibility to extend mercy and forgive each other, and I am fully aware of the theory. It’s the practical that’s difficult!
We know what to do but that which we want to do we do not do. The practical is certainly a challenge but with the help of the Holy Spirit very possible. Forgiveness is definitely not a natural thing for us this why we have to rely on the Holy Spirit. Very thought provoking read, my brother. May God continue to bless your work!🙏🏾🙏🏾
Great insight my brother. Thought provoking reminder for us. As Gods children we have to always remind ourselves that each day God forgives us. Each day His compassions are new. Each day He’s merciful to us. He doesn’t have to be merciful, but He is merciful because of His love for us. Therefore we should also practice forgiveness and show love to each other. We don’t deserve His grace but He constantly gives us grace each day. Thank you Lord.🙏🏾
So well stated and carefully thought of! The practical is where we struggle. Thank God for grace. Love it!
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